Contact Waldorf Publishing

Author Services

Waldorf Publishing is unique and stands alone due to the fact that we offer design, illustrating, editing, formatting, publishing, promotion, marketing, publicity, worldwide book and eBook distribution, audio book recording, production and distribution, wholesale and retail sales, media training with a very grass-roots, hands-on approach, all under one roof.

We have booked our Authors hundreds of Media appearances including CNN, FOX News, BBC, CBS affiliates, NBC affiliates, FOX affiliates, ABC affiliates, WGN, SIRIUS Radio, FOX Good Day NY, WPIX, The Guardian Newspaper, NPR, PBS, French Television, Irish National Television, and Radio, The Globe, National Magazines, Newspapers and Radio interviews.

We have published numerous books that have hit number 1 on Amazon under a plethora of categories! 

If you succeed, we succeed.


To submit a finished manuscript for review, or for more information on our Author Services and Publishing Procedures, please contact Barbara Terry at:

[email protected]

(972) 674-3131

Waldorf Publishing
2140 Hall Johnson Road 102-345 
Grapevine, Texas 76051

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