How Angels Die

If the person you love most in the world asked you to help them die, what would you do?

If you are there for them, you risk everything. If you are not prepared to help, you lose them anyway. How Angels Die

How Angels Die is a love story that will shake you to the core. It will, at its very essence, give you hope and break your heart.

It will leave you with a sense of having seen the worst in life, but the best in the human spirit.

It will, above all, show you what love can do.

Torn between a deep understanding of what she needs and the moral dilemma of what is right, Guy was left with one choice – to support her in everything she did because he loved her more than anything.

Reviews for “37: A Final Promise”

“The leads are impressively adroit at keeping the film grounded in persuasive emotional truth” -Variety

“An incredible love story based on actual events” – Huffington Post

“Love this movie! A modern day ‘Love Story’…the epitome of being in love” -UBN Radio

“Batinkoff handles his directing and acting abilities quite well” -The Examiner

To be so transparent is to confess everything. Guy Blews does just that in “How Angels Die.”

Order your copy here!

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