Mastery of You

by Renu S Persaud

Have you ever felt that you do not know who you really are? Despite career and personal success, power and numerous accomplishments, why do we persistently feel this way? Our lives are filled with helping others to be their best, to do their best. We seek to master skills at work and in our personal relationships with family and friends.mastery of you cover

Too often, we approach our existence with mastering skills for a sense of individual and professional achievement. Further, we seek to build and nurture those skills in order to feel productive and quell sentiments of complacency.

In the pursuit of skill seeking for practical talents, individuals have come to disregard the most fundamental of all skills, the mastery of the Self. This is the state of genuinely knowing you and mastering who you are above all else. In today’s fast paced world, the mastery of you is no longer a priority. Instead the pursuit of what you are takes precedence. Our priority aligns with our practical successes rather than inner sense of well-being and self-worth.

R Persaud’s revolutionary book reveals that self-mastery is not a selfish undertaking. Instead, it is the process by which we become knowledgeable of our Self for our self. The focus moves from what we are to who we are.

By self-mastery, we become better prepared to offer our best Self in our personal and professional lives. From the corporate executive, to the new mother, to the career woman, to the lifelong student, the “Mastery of You” provides a framework for developing inner self-confidence. The priority shifts from other-centric to self-centric. And, in the process, we give a healthier, happier and balanced being to our interactions.

Having lectured to thousands of adults from all walks of life, DrPersaud presents an enchanting argument that synergizes the disciplines of social sciences, sociology, social psychology, neuroscience and biology. Beautifully written, she articulates her profound understanding of human relationships, helping us to appreciate that deep Self-analysis is not selfish but nurtures our personal interactions. She argues that the quality of our relationships correlate with the time we spend in solitude toward self-mastery. Self-mastery is the forum to acquire deep self-knowledge of our strengths and weaknesses. The quality of our relationships with family, friends, colleagues and above all our Self depends on this.

Knowing your inner Self better prepares you to appreciate the flaws and positive qualities of others. In taking time out for self-serving solitude, we become a selfless, more empathetic person. Thus, self-mastery is not only about creating inner power but it is also about attaining the strength and wisdom required to confront our flaws. We become better at predicting the outcome of our interactions and effectively deal with disappointment.

With enticing personal stories, social observation and research analysis, DrPersaud offers the reader a resounding exploration of how self-mastery touches our daily activities, empowering our existence.

Thoughtful and provoking, The Mastery of You is brilliantly written and passionately conceived.

Every reader will appreciate the value of self-importance stemming from aloneness. Ultimately, moments of self-mastery become an act of selflessness. After all, do we not want to give the best of ourselves to those who matter most? Beyond this, DrPersaud shows us how self-mastery indeed is a selfless and empathetic undertaking.


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