Church Pews

by Don J. Carey III

Sitting in a pew doesn’t make one a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes them a mechanic. This statement has never been more applicable to a society than it is now, in the modern day ChurchPews_HD_3_1American church. We live in a culture where it is perfectly fine to align yourself to a particular group or ideology without actually following the decrees or guidelines of that group. This hypocritical mindset has begun to ooze its way into the body of Christ under the guise of political correctness.. Nominal “Christianity” has become so prominent in the church, that less than 10% of American Christians actually hold to a biblical worldview, even though nearly 80% of the nation claims to hold to the faith. As I see it, this is a major issue. There are many things wrong with what is happening, but most of all, if the Christian worldview is true, than the biblical alternative to the Christian worldview is also true. In Matthew 7, Jesus says “Not everyone who cries Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven, except those who do the will of the Father.” He destroys any notion that one can simply say they are a Christian without seeing the fruit of doing the Father’s will.
The purpose of this book is not to slander, demean, or cause those of the Christian faith to doubt their salvation; but rather to prompt them to pause and spiritually audit themselves. In this book the author systematically lays out the state of Christianity in America and then provides a spiritual road map to getting back to fulfilling the true purpose for which God has called his people: to live holy and proclaim His gospel. It is very apparent that something is wrong with the church. This book will cause many to evaluate themselves to make sure what they claim is evidenced by the way they live. As the famed theologian C.S. Lewis once said, “The only evidence of the new birth, is the new life.”

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